Toy Trade Regulation Changes in the UK Market Following Brexit
1. Toys that have arrived in the UK are not affected by Brexit
Toys that have arrived in the UK before Brexit and meet the European Toy Safety Regulations can continue to circulate in the market indefinitely; Toys that arrive in the UK after Brexit and meet EU regulatory requirements can continue to circulate until 2020 December 31.
2. British toy safety regulations will replace EU toy safety directives
After the United Kingdom withdrew from the European , the toy regulatory requirements implemented in the British market will be changed from the EU Toy Safety Directive (regulation number 2009/48 / EC) to the revised British Toy (Safety) Regulation (title changed to 2011 No.1881). EU-specific reference materials and content in the regulations have been d and replaced with British equivalents. The revised British Toy (Safety) Regulations will be implemented after the transition period of Brexit.
3.The UKCA certification mark will replace the CE certification mark
UKCA (UK Conformity Assessed) is a new product certification mark proposed by the United Kingdom following Brexit. From the date of Brexit, the packaging and labels of any toy products placed on the British market are required to add the UK certified UKCA mark. In other words, the UKCA certification mark will replace the CE certification mark and require that it be added to the product packaging after the Brexit transition period. The certification mark must be at least 5 mm high, clearly visible and highly recognizable. At present, the relevant British government departments are discussing whether the EU CE certification mark may be extended in the UK till August 1, 2021 or longer.
The CE mark is a compliance mark issued by the European for 25 categories of products regarding mandatory requirements for safety, effectiveness, health, and environmental protection. Products can be sold in the European Economic Area (EEA) only if they meet all legal requirements related to the CE mark. After the end of the Brexit transition period, the notified body l